Tag Archives: kiddos


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Yes, I had moar beads arrive today! These were all mainly on the small size, but I’ve already found some inspiration. I made two sets of crochet markers, and am trimming off the matching two sets of knit markers. I’m hoping I can come up with a name sooner rather than later so I can get them posted to my… Read more »

Easter Heroes

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We are currently over at Z’s parent’s house. The girls started off the visit by starting their Easter Egg hunt — before any of the adults could process that they had started it, ha ha. It’s been the usual, pleasant family do though. There’s been food for nibbling on, kids running amok, and general chilling. Z and his dad watched… Read more »


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There is a single bead that has been sitting on my desk most of this week. So of course, that bead keeps singing siren songs of making more stitch markers. You know what? I do want to make more. But I have set myself the goal of trying to get halfway through this sleeve this weekend, so I’m trying to… Read more »

Getting On

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Today has been for sitting on my backside, gaming, and knitting. I am pleased at the progress that I am making on this sleeve, especially since I’m not able to exclusively knit most of the time… hooray, ADHD brain! Still, progress is progress, and I’m over a quarter of the way done. That’s pretty cool, and it would be even… Read more »

Feeling Cute

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I don’t know what it it is about today, but I’ve been feeling super cute. I couldn’t even tell you why in particular. I mean, I default think that I am adorable and all of that. I like me, I like my failing meatbag in a frustrated sort of way. Maybe my body was just squirtin’ an extra dose of… Read more »

Spot the Difference

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I’ve happily been chipping away at the first sleeve, happy with the progress. I thought something looked different in the seed stitch, but I shrugged it off. And then, after 12 rows of it, I realised that I was doing double instead of single. Oh well. I’ve also decided that I cannot be bothered to do it right, so as… Read more »


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For Christmas, we got the girls a Nerf gun each. They love taking turns shooting plastic cups stacked on the stairwell. They were teasing Z about not having a gun himself, to which it was pointed out that he might not have one, but I sure do (and I let him borrow it, too). Apparently, having a Nerf gun raises… Read more »

Then There Were Four

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I didn’t expect to be settling up Littler’s laptop today. But then, I also didn’t expect to be disturbing her little plant pot. Poison was on the table and I was giving her some pets and brushing, and instead of moving the plant to safety, I just tried to move it to a higher spot on the desk… which didn’t… Read more »

The Things I Do (For Retro Gaming)

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Today, I had Littler home with pinkeye. She was in good spirits otherwise, and Z acquired some eyedrops from the surgery so that she isn’t stuck home with it for more than today. Between that and work, I kept busy for that allotted time of the day. After that, I’ve been driving myself around the bend installing old OSes via… Read more »

Thump Thump Thump

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Today’s image comes to you compliments of noise. You see, the girls are upstairs having a dance party, so all I can hear down here is the loud thumpings of them jumping around. I smile — I dimly remember having the energy to bop around like that. I’m glad that they have an appreciation of music and moving around to… Read more »