Tag Archives: kiddos

Joining the In Crowd

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Smallhausen inherited my love of having painted nails. She loves it so much that she actually sits still and patiently waits for the nails to dry, and has since the first time I did her nails. In fact, I don’t think she was much older than Littlerbit here. So I wasn’t completely surprised when Littler tromped down the stairs, saw… Read more »

Week Two

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I realised this morning that it’s the second week of summer break. With everyone home last week, I’d sort of forgotten we were on summer break somehow. Not that it mattered much — Z went to work, and the girls and I hung out here doing our own things. It mainly went well, and I even got the girls to… Read more »

Slow Progress

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I’m in the boring sewing-up stage of having made a toy. I’ve got the head and body joined, and one of the legs attached; the other is pinned on so I have a vague idea of where to place it. It will still probably take me a couple of tries because this is absolutely not my forte, but I want… Read more »

Oh No

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My last hairstick broke today, quelle dommage! I’ve got a couple chucked into an Amazon basket for perusal, but I might see what Claire’s has as well. I don’t use them all the all the time, but when it’s warm like it is right now, I tend to find myself reaching for something to twist my hair away from my… Read more »

Sure, Why Not

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If there is one thing I cannot help but admire in small children, it’s how they can fall asleep in all sorts of goofy situations. I realise that this isn’t that odd a set-up, but it was cute. I mean, doesn’t everyone sleep with one wellie on, tablet in lap, a light saber, and used lunch dishes? Really, it’s the… Read more »

Bits and Bobs

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The unicorn pieces are slowly nearing completion. I’ve hit my usual ‘problem’ of doing toys — I get bored doing lots of tiny bits. I’d rather do big bits and join the big bits together, yanno? But it’s fine, it’s fine. I will get it done ’cause it’s a unicorn, and I will love it and gently squish it, and… Read more »

Entropy and Homeostasis

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My desk is a constant battleground between entropy and its love of disorder, and homeostasis and its attempt to balance itself. I managed to strike back again a little bit this afternoon, so I get to show it off, hee hee. It’s been a sluggish sort of day, which is fine. We got home in record time last night, and… Read more »

Time, She Flies!

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So like, it’s been fun here at R and C’s house, but it’s already almost time to go. Whut. At least it looks like, knock on wood, we’re going to get a sunnier trip back than we did to here. And I leave with some goodies too, hee hee. R picked up the Pokestop sticker for me, and some Twizzlers,… Read more »

And Finally, The Sky…

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Today, the rains finally came. Well, it rained a bit yesterday, but today seems to have been the day for the rain to come in a way that caused peoples’ headaches to eff off. I still feel fairly awful, but my head pain has been mainly manageable. It probably helped that I went to bed stupid early last night. Like,… Read more »

It Burrrrrns

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I don’t know if it’s the pollen or the air pressure or both, but I have a brutal sinus headache. It’s not a congested thing, but rather, more of a ‘everything in my head is in pain and on fire’ sort of thing, to include my eyes.  It’s not pleasant. R thinks it might get better if/when the thunderstorm we’re… Read more »