Tag Archives: kiddos


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Today has been… wet. There’s been a little bit of thunder, a couple spells of heavy rain, and on the whole has been delightful (except where I had to run through it, ha ha). Forecasters are saying we’re going to get more of the same over the next week, so as long as it doesn’t affect the school run, I’m… Read more »

All the Good Things

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Today has: Weather – It rained, and there was even a tiny bit of thunder. Alas, it rained on the school run, but never mind. We didn’t get soaked through, so all was well. Coffee – I’ve actually wanted coffee lately, so it’s been nice having a cup here and there. Dragon Age – I really do like this game,… Read more »

Let’s Play ‘Spot the Spider’

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He’s in there somewhere. I decided not to indicate where he was in case anyone was arachnophobic; he blends in well enough that it’s otherwise a nice picture of a random bit of outside. No, if I had wanted to put a spider in your face, I would have put up the picture of the dead one I found in… Read more »

One in the Bag

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The first day of school is over! We have survived the first day! Hallelujah and things! Both of the girls had a full day of school, and Littler was certainly tired by the end of it. So was Smallhausen, to be fair. Z and I both went to get them from school, so we had a lovely little walk back… Read more »


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Today’s planned outing was to go wander around the grocery store, in part to acquire needed staples like biscuits (cookies). In short, it was an excuse to get the girls out of the house for a little bit, ha ha. I took this picture of Littler while we were waiting for Z and Smallhausen to finish checking out. As usual,… Read more »

No Sun For You!

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As I am writing this, parts of the United Kingdom are able to catch a very teensy partial eclipse off of the one that just crossed the United States. So, of course, we have total cloud coverage, ha ha. Z reminded me that we *did* get a 90%-er a few years ago that I’d miscategorised in my brain as a… Read more »

All Shiny and New

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I awoke this morning to the sound of construction going on outside. I don’t know *why* exactly, but it made me smile. Why was loud noise gonna make me smile, ha ha. It turns out it was something to smile about — the new streetlights are going in. They’re LED and can be individually adjusted and all sorts of shiny… Read more »

Math and Fashion

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Littler came stomping down in mismatched wellies, and I was charmed enough to ask her to take a picture. She agreed… and then grabbed her sister’s math book and started trying to hide behind it. After a couple of attempts I managed to get this particularly triumphant shot for the win. And yes, math book. Z and I saw some… Read more »


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Today’s picture is the armhole shaping of my top. It’s simple and attractive, two features I like in my knitting. I’ve made myself put down the 2DS and do a bit of knitting instead of Pokemonning, so yanno, a bit of progress. It also helps that I ‘won’ Farm For Your Life, so that itch is scratched for the time… Read more »

Pew Pew

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Today started as one of those days where everything was getting on my tits. The girls, bless ’em, were already bouncing off the walls and going full tilt, while I could barely keep my train of thought on the rails. I ended up getting a bit snappish because please dears, let your mother have some caffeine. But nobody died, I… Read more »