Tag Archives: kiddos

Yay Tidying

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One of the projects Z has wanted to tackle for ages has been our pantry. Today was the day that he managed it, and he did a great job clearing out stuff. Winners included a can of tonic water from before we moved into this house, and a box of Stove Top that predated that. Whups. But it’s out of… Read more »


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I was well pleased with this ‘spooky’ picture. Dinner was a bit late, so I was trying to think what might make for a good picture for tonight. Littler loves to hide under blankets with her tablet, and one of the shots actually managed to match up with her peering up through the holes in the blanket. She looks like… Read more »

Saving the Day

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The last bit for Littler’s Halloween costume came in today, so we let her put the bits on and flail around for the camera. I took a stupid number of pictures, but this one did the best of catching the essence of the ‘shoot’. We need to get Smalls to check the fit of her costume as well, but I’m… Read more »

The Bat Has Landed

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I’m pleased that I managed to take the least flattering picture of me ever to express my joy of being back with my bat. They are here, we’re fed, and much happiness is the order of the day. Well, they’ve just gone up to bed, and I’ve eaten their dinner remnants atop mine. I am going to sleep like none… Read more »

‘Harvest Themed’

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Today, Littler’s class had some ‘harvest themed’ events going on during the afternoon session. And while she only attends the morning session on a Friday currently, she was welcome to come back with two guests, so we attended. This picture was from the first activity she took part in, which was dressing up and racing around. I’m not really sure… Read more »


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I got it into my head today to maintenance the vacuum cleaner. After some unclogging, de-hairing, and a touch of super glue, it seemed to be in fairly good nick. So I tested it on my rug. And then I picked up toys and vacuumed the other rug. And then I ended up doing the foyer and the study; the… Read more »

Going, Going, Gone

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I took this picture when we were out for a little trip to the interchange. Smallhausen is in football club this term, and Z thought it would be a good idea to get her some shin guards, so we did that. I also poked my head into Matalan briefly to see if they had any nice looking jeans, and then… Read more »

Stealth Buttle-ing

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At some point last night, I got the brilliant idea to start drawing little butts on E’s things. I don’t think she clocked the two that I did on her magazine, but she did see it when I leaned right in her space to do it on her notebook. *giggles* She was too busy chatting to really care, and even… Read more »

I Lean

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Which, I blush to admit, is a terrible pun on Aileen, which is the named storm currently blowing its way into/across the UK. The winds bothered the girls last night enough to wake them up, which means they didn’t get the sleep they needed. Z made sure their windows were sealed tight for tonight rather than leaving them cracked for… Read more »

Beauty Is

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It was a rainy school run, so I grabbed any umbrellas I could find for it. Which means I could only find Smallhausen’s umbrella, as we leave it hanging up in the downstairs toilet. I guess that was fine, as the worst of the rain trying to get in my face was on the way to school. It was still… Read more »