Tag Archives: emotions


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I keep seeing friends on Facebook posting via magic wossit that they are registered to vote. I presume it’s something that pops up if you use Facebook on your phone (I generally don’t), so here’s my announcement. The timing is apt, as I am currently watching last night’s debate. I spotted that it was on the BBC News, so why… Read more »


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I have been Plastergirl this week. I have these weird spates where one hand or another will be covered in bandages, and I’m in another one of them. The one on the thumb is where I sliced my knuckle open on the inside of a cupboard door. Because, of course, I am grace fucking incarnate. The other is a random… Read more »

What We Don’t Talk About

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One very cogent and true complaint I see of modern life is how we have this online medium to present a picture perfect life. Fights are glossed over or never mentioned, each child is more picture perfect than the last, and isn’t everything enviable? Everyone is perfectly in love with the love of their life, and everyone is shitting rainbows… Read more »

Penis of Infinite Wisdom +5. Oh, Wait… ¬¬

  What is it about having a dick that makes some men such know-it-alls? Is it that their egos are as fragile as their junk? But then, the general fragility of that side of the gender means that ‘my’ side (-ish, being genderqueer) gets treated like all emotions stem from a wandering, hysterical uterus a la Freudian claims. We’re not… Read more »