Still alive, vaguely. It’s been a bit of a week.
First off, the main meds I take for Meniere’s Disease ran out. My supplier hadn’t been able to source them, which… I would have otherwise had a month buffer. A month buffer would have been good.
So what did I get instead? A massive attack Sunday night. Which meant spending all of Monday into Tuesday curled up in bed recovering, and the rest of the week just sort of slowly tending to myself. We were able to find a local pharmacy that had the meds, so I’ve been back on them most of the week. Means I’m starting to feel more human, but still not that great. Still, I have the meds now. My doctor surgery added a generic of it to my prescription list, so that should hopefully help me get by if the shortages continue.
But hey, at least I know the meds work now? Worst way to find out, but gotta look for the bright in the dark.
So yeah, that’s been the main haps. Otherwise it’s the usual game-and-yarn. I finished a pair of socks for a friend last weekend and got them shipped off. I’ve been trying to make progress on a granny square blanket I’ve been neglecting forever. I figure if I can get it to about 5 feet, then that’ll be a good place to stop. And then do more socks… socks forever, ha ha.