Monthly Archives: June 2023


      No Comments on Daww

I’ll give my cats one thing — there’s almost always one nearby being cute when I need a photo. There’s bonus October flop on the side, but I like it when I can actually get a picture of the furbaby eyes. It was really easy with Batman and Poison, ’cause they had green green eyes in a sea of black…. Read more »


      No Comments on [[screm]]

Well okay, it’s actually a yawn, but I managed to snap it at its widest, most comedic point. There were also some cute ones, and the light was good for getting her eye colour, but this is what y’all get. *chuckles* Been an okay day. I feel… mainly human? I think the meds are starting to do their thing, fingers… Read more »


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October has been cutely curling up in the curtain the last couple of days. I think it’s her way of beating the heat, but still getting the slightest impression of sun. Or something. I don’t know what cats are thinking, ha ha. She’s adorable, whatever the case.] Not up to a lot of interest this evening. I’m trying to fix… Read more »

Slowly Slowly

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I am, slowly slowly, starting to feel closer to human. I’m just hoping that is mainly the case by the end of the week, ’cause it’s gonna be a busy weekend. For now, just trying to figure out what I’m doing with myself this evening. I’ve got Minecraft up at the second, but I don’t know that I really want to… Read more »


      No Comments on Denied

We’ve got the a/c on because it’s the hottest day of the year outside. Which means the back window crack is closed, and Raven felt the need to pose dramatically to highlight his suffering. Plus, just his general being extra, at which he excels. So yes, a nice day under a cool breeze, just taking it mainly easy. My headache… Read more »


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Today has been continued recovery from the super-long episode of the day before. And the day before that. Today has been topping up pain meds and hoping the worst of it is over for now. And hey, it is a smidge better. I’ve got a bracelet on the go, which means some brain spoons are vaguely there. Bright side of… Read more »

Not for Me

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I got ahead of myself yesterday, and got slammed with another vertigo attack. Technically, it’s still ongoing, but I could only stand to remain in bed so long. Z brought me up something to eat with my medication midday, and that helped me upright long enough to figure I could probably manage upright downstairs. Been down long enough to get… Read more »


      No Comments on Unwobbled

I was feeling unwobbled enough today to risk taking a bath. Success, I’m still alive, and I have clean hair. *chuckles* I’ll sing the praises of dry shampoo to the moon and back, but nothing compares to freshly washed. And now I’m less likely to gross out the new employees when I wander into the office later this week, ha… Read more »


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I’m still feeling concerned about the potential of a vertigo attack, but it’s been okay the last couple of nights. ‘Okay’. Still wobbly and headache-y, but no full-on attacks. I’m guessing the new meds are working a bit, though obviously, body is being dumb. *chuckles* For now, gonna take another co-codamol for this banging headache, and do the Sim-n-knit thing…. Read more »

A Custom

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I woke up this morning to a custom order request. I do love me some custom orders; I’m glad people like my stuff, but it’s that degree extra when they like it enough to trust you to make their specific wishes happen. Since I don’t work on a Monday, I was able to get it turned around really quickly, which… Read more »