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Today has been a lovely, albeit busy day. The cats’ foster parents came for a visit, and 3/4 made a decent showing. Vivi of all cats only poked his head out briefly before effing off to find a hiding place. The babies were very social, and Raven even came and sniffed around a bit.

Cats aside, it was nice to have a chat/visit. I can’t claim to be at my most charming pre-noon, but we made it work. 🙂

And then… work. I’m sure Z must have told me 20 times that there was a meeting today, but I completely blanked it out and went into the office anyways. So yeah, I was there for the meeting, and subsequently got to meet the two co-workers I’d not met yet. The meeting was fairly productive, and we had to leave it in progress to get back for the school run. But yay, I made it out of the house/ac successfully and safely!

And have had a wee reward this afternoon too — there’s been some good, loud thunder. it’s quieted down, but it’s still overcast. Maybe we’ll get some more rumbles.


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