We got all three of the furkids through flea baths this morning/afternoon. None of them were keen on it, but Vivi was the only one who managed to claw me up. All of them were pretty chill about being towelled up and in my lap for a bit of combing and drying. Everyone has returned to normal levels of fluff now, and Z has started spraying around the house in earnest. Hopefully this will break the back of this bs… we’ll see.
Nothing much today past that. I got my lightbox and ring light up, and realised that the power brick I’d previously used isn’t going to cut it. Z has ordered me a mains powered USB charging brick for my back table. He’s got one by where he sits on the couch, and I have one by the printer on my desk, so it’ll be good to have one more.
Right. Gonna go digest the most excellent curry Z whipped up for dinner, zone out, the usual.