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Both of the boys like curling up on the hidden section of the shoe rack. Since I used the flash here, and the reflective collar, it really looks like a rave-esque attitude for Sir Vivi.

Not a lot on the plate today. Bit of work, got an Etsy order out; people really love the Bi Pride necklace! Also trying to make sure I hydrate extra, because I got hit with a wave of vertigo last night. In bed. Laying flat on my back. I was close enough to asleep that I was able to do some deep breaths and get to sleep without having to relocate to the bathroom floor. I’m hoping to avoid that tonight as well, but we’ll see. Liquids in, liquids out. Doesn’t fix inner ear fuckery, but I can pretend that this factor that I control is going to help.

*scoots off*


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