The Daily Bat

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I don’t actually intend for my picture to be Batman every day; he just happened to be lounging cutely nearby when I woke up this morning. So I took a picture, because yanno, that’s what you do. He’s been having an okay day. He’s not eaten as much as I would want him to, but he’s definitely eaten a few things and been mainly cooperative with our various blandishments. Which has been getting pills in him twice, and trimming his nails. The first pill went down fine, while the second took a bit of throat rubbing. We’ll get our technique back in gear pretty quickly; one pill thrice daily lends itself to a loooot of practice. *chuckles*

Past that, dealing with my longest fibromyalgia flare to date… no fun. I should probably chuck some more pain meds at it… doesn’t do a lot to help, but there’s other pains like my back being pinchy, so it might help there. Who knows. Bodies are the worst. *shakes tiny impotent fist at the sky*


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