So yes! Got my cross-stitches that I’ve completed photographed yesterday, then collaged and listed today. I’m worried that people are going to find the price too high, but like, really? It’s a freaking bargain. And if people don’t want to buy these, I can slap them on the wall, which is what Smalls wants me to do with them.
Past that, just poking at Sims 3. I found a guide on Steam showing ways to help make the fragile shell it is last a bit longer and stronger… really, if EA remade it and fixed all the janky shit, I’d probably give them all the money for it again — it’s just that good and dear to me. I started this game off unfairly by having already added 100 tiny homes, so that I’ve managed to get more than a few minutes out of it is kind of impressive.
Anyhoos, back to stitching and vaguely Simming. Even if this game crashes out for my hubris, I’ll just start fresh with the same Sim. I’m playing a stylist for my Legacy founder, and I am reminded yet again how much fun it is to turn all the males in the town into fae himbos. xD