I succeeded in my goal of finishing the first sock last night, and got started on the second. I’m not completely sold on the toe; I think I might run more yarn through it and see if I can get it to snug up a tiny bit better. The thread running through is woven in extensively so it’s probably fine, but that doesn’t stop my head from fretting over it.
That’s been about the extent of my day, which is excellent. Smalls had a birthday playdate with a couple of friends in the next village over; we’re proud of her being confident enough to be able to go off-piste like that now. Z ended up hanging around for a bit chatting with another parent, but for the most part, she got several hours of quality time with her peeps. Smaller was a teense wistful about not having the same with her bestie, but I assured her that we had that in mind and were planning on trying to organise a socially distanced playdate.
Right, keep getting distracted by shiny objects, so I’m off.