Rebel Rebel

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Lookit me, outside, and not at my house! *jazz hands* Though to be fair, I had a legit reason to leave the house; I’d had an Etsy order in overnight. I printed my postage for it at home rather than going into the Post Office, and made sure to keep my distance from all people. I was glad for it, because I went to bed last night wondering if my previous sale would cover my monthly Etsy fees… this should comfortably do it.

Past that, it’s been work at a sedate pace. I probably could have gotten more done, but like… not gonna beat myself up about not being super-productive in these weird times. The fact that the four of us are in good spirits, still healthy, and decently provisioned are the important things.

Right, gonna go try to make myself knit instead of making stitch markers… still having too much fun with ’em. 🙂


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