I had an easy Etsy order come in this afternoon, so I packed it up and walked it down to the Post Office in company of Smalls. It’s still so very dark at 5pm, but it’ll be bright until midnight before we know it.
Beyond that, work was work, and the weekend is now. I put up a post on FB telling folx that if they wanted to spend on me for my birthday to send me a few pennies towards enabling me to purchase quantities of nail polish from my favourite site. I don’t actually expect anyone to spend on me, but it makes me happy that I feel safe and healthy enough these days to put myself out there as worth being attended to.
Right, gonna go back to other things. I’ve got to get some more crochet hearts ribboned up, and I’m making headway on getting Z’s account through the season in Diablo 3. Is all good, y’all.