Counting Down…

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There is an air of urgency coming from next door. We don’t think that the childling has made their arrival, but we think the imminence is, well, imminent. Which means I really, *really* need to buckle down on the blanket. It’s further along than it looks; doing it this way means the ever-decreasing row length makes it feel even faster.

Past that, it’s been work vaguely happening, getting nails painted, and getting a start on Halloween costumes. Smaller expressed a desire for a specific sort of costume, so I browsed and provided her an Amazon listing that I felt would be to her desire. And it was! We picked up a few accessories to finish the costume, and that’ll make its way to us over the next couple of days. We still need to figure out what Smalls is going to be. I’d like to get that sorted tonight so that it’s one thing off of the list, but I’m not going to push her either. We still have time, though obviously, it’s nice to not rush.

I’ve even bought a ‘costume’ for myself in the form of an adorably spoopy dress. While Z walks the girls around trick-or-treating, I happily stay home and hand out candy. Normally I slap on an old witch hat we have dossing about and try to not lose it on the way to the door, but I think this’ll work better. I should also probably pick up some black or dark red lipstick and bother to get my face on for once. Hrm…

Anyways, I should probably haul some laundry upstairs, and get on some proper going out trousers. Have a good one, y’all.


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