Joining the Club

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Smalls was telling me yesterday about building a house in Roblox, so I suggested she try her hand in Sims 4. This was the beginning of her efforts; I didn’t get a picture before she finished for the day. But I can say that her ‘final’ effort was pretty darn good! She’s thinking of challenge bat to a build-off, but I told her she needs to get some practice in first. 🙂

The weather today has been horrendous. I’m starting to wonder if I’m developing asthma, because I can’t breathe at all. It could just be pollen to the level that my prescription antihistamine can’t cope with; I know that Z has been suffering badly. There’s reputedly a chance of thunderstorms, but I’ll believe it when I hear it. It would be nice though, since it might nuke a bit of the humidity (which is also brutally harsh on me).

But eh! Could always be worse. Gotta remember that. I’ve had a good day of poking at games, and have made some small progress on my knitting. I’m just about done working the heel turn on sock #1 of this pair, which is nice. I look forward to getting the first done and being able to do the second, which is always easier due to having already done all the mathing on the first sock. This ‘system’ has gone a long way towards keeping me far from the dreaded Second Sock Sydrome, so. 😀

Right, I’m off to poke at laundry a bit more.


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