I had a hankering to tinker with this picture in Photoshop, but didn’t like how anything was coming out. And by that, I don’t mean smoothing out lines and hiding chub — I meant rocking it artsy-style. I could’ve tinkered with the lighting to try and get my hair to show up, but never mind. Here is me in all my pained glory.
I think the reason for the severity of the headache has to do with the fact that I lost an hour of sleep to time changing last night. I didn’t even get to sitting up before the pain slammed into the top of my head, and it’s not softened much over the day. That’s with me throwing pills at it too, which is just rude. At least it doesn’t seem to be worsened by outside factors, or else the impromptu concert the girls put on at Nanny’s house would have ended me. *chuckles*
I’m in mainly good spirits though. I’ve doted on the girls and let them know that today wouldn’t matter if not for them being a part of my life. They replied grumbling about the fact we neglect Sister’s Day (which I know now will be the 4th of August this year). I’m not adverse to us celebrating that too; I am constantly humbled and pleased by how much they love each other and how much they love spending time together.
Anyways. Food times.