Back when I was a kid in Texas, *ANYTHING* vaguely white on the ground counted as snow. While I wouldn’t say the same now, it still made me smile when I poked my head out this morning. It’s thawed for the moment, but we’re supposed to get more freezing shortly, so. Suffices to say, I’m not gonna walk in the grass, because that’s just asking for it. *chuckles*
((tangentially, is the phrase ‘asking for it’ even okay to use anymore? A part of me is leaning towards ‘no, it’s not’, but I don’t know what to substitute it with. I’ll have to think about this.))
I have been reminded in the last couple of days just how awesome my friends are. In addition to many purchases from my shop this month, I’ve had a few nudges/leads on likely FB groups to join to try and drum up sales. I’ve not posted anything in those yet, but I’m glad it’s an option (once I rub spoons together to do the thing).
For now, I need to… drink coffee and not move.