Monthly Archives: September 2018

Yesterday’s Hips

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Today’s picture comes from my walk yesterday. I couldn’t tell you why I like the look of rose hips, but they’re always a pleasing sight for some reason. Maybe it’s because it’s one of those ‘oh hey, autumn is nigh’ sort of things? Probably. I’ve done a lot of nothing today, which yanno, spot on. I helped Z with laundry… Read more »

Unexpected Tidying

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A friend messaged me earlier to talk about stitch markers, and she ended up buying some from my store (yay!). So I was fishing out the materials to replace them in the shop… and couldn’t find one of the components no matter how hard I tried. So I ended up cleaning up my desk fairly thoroughly… only to find them… Read more »

The Hidebehind

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Okay okay, I know that a hidebehind is supposed to be large and skeery, but it was the first thing I thought of when I spotted that yon piggy was parked up on the DS stack. It’s behind my monitor, so I can’t see it unless I lean to peek behind it. There you go — more explanation than you… Read more »

The Only Water in the Forest Is…

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… Well, you either know, or you don’t. Or you’ve run to look it up and go ‘ah’. Probably not, ha ha. I’m celebrating managed to drag my corpse through bath time by christening my newest leggings. I got them off of Wish, and they are actually a bit loose. Which is fine, really — I’d rather they have give… Read more »

Definitely Wacky

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As y’all can see, the first sock is coming along nicely. And yes, the wool being called ‘Wacky’ is more than apt; they are gloriously ugly. I’ve not made a lot of progress today, but then, I’ve been kind of out of it all day. I’m honestly thinking about going to bed here in a few minutes — verticality is… Read more »


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I survived my trip to the doctor’s office today. Like, it’s dumb. I knew it wasn’t going to be a big deal, but that didn’t change the fact that my initial blood pressure reading was super high because my defaultĀ  The second one was fine, but still. *chuckles* He couldn’t adjust the psych med I wanted tweaked, so that means… Read more »

Cauldrons of It

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When I woke up this morning, my hands were freezing. As much as I love the colder times of the year, the cold hands can be hard to work with. I commented to Z that I should make a coffee to warm my hands up, like I used to do in my military days (deity knows it wasn’t fit to… Read more »

Yon Goodies

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I went over to a friend’s house today for a little visit, and to paw through her displays and crafting goodies. I, to my mortification, ended up keeping the fam there for like, an hour. We’d planned to go over, get things, pick up a few bits, and then home for lunch. Suffices to say, I had hungry spouse and… Read more »

Annoyingly Ouch

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I completely forgot to take my meds last night, so I woke up with a super-wrecked headache. I also, somehow, woke up feeling… not quite rested, but perky. I woke up really hard at weekday wake-up time, but I stayed in bed playing Happy Glass on my phone, and snuggling up to Z. I’ve pretty much done nothing besides acquiring… Read more »

Much Improved

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Today, of all things, I finally managed to rub spoons together to wash my hair. It’s been more than a week because I’ve been feeling poorly. It’s fine once it’s all said and done, but that requires getting to the said, and then the done. But yeah, knock on wood, I’ve made it so far today without having to take… Read more »