Today has been… a day. It started with waking up to find out I’d slept through Smalls being sick all night. She ended up having to stay home, and has to again tomorrow per school rules. She’s in good spirits though, and trying to eat, so she’ll probably be fine for Wednesday.
((and being sick meant more toast for her, and more black bean chicken stir-fry for me >__> But seriously, Z is an awesome cook))
I also had my first sale from someone who I’m pretty sure I don’t know. And, luckily, it came in at such a time that I was able to get it out before the last post collection. I like being able to do that, hee hee. I was doing that sad refreshing to see if anything had shown up, so I was flappy-happy that there was in the end.
*rubs head* Right, girls are in bed, and I have dubious pictures using my prototype lightbox for a set of markers I made today. Keep an eye out for them, hee hee.