Getting On

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Today has been for sitting on my backside, gaming, and knitting. I am pleased at the progress that I am making on this sleeve, especially since I’m not able to exclusively knit most of the time… hooray, ADHD brain! Still, progress is progress, and I’m over a quarter of the way done. That’s pretty cool, and it would be even cooler if I can cross the halfway mark sometime tomorrow. Wish me luck, eh?

Also in the world of knitting, E sent me home last week with a project for my MiL to consider doing. It’s making poppies to decorate the church for a thing, and to my pleasure, she apparently has decided to do it. I got the confirmation this morning when she called to ask my opinion about how many poppies she could get out of her ball of wool, because how many buttons was she going to need. The answer to both of those questions is ‘probably a lot’, ha ha. I’m just glad when I can give her something to do rather than sitting around doing nothing. Now, to reminder her that she should come visit to get herself out of the house… 🙂

Smalls is still sick, and is spending another day mainly in bed. She did the morning and a chunk of the afternoon down here before Z suggested her drowsing self should take it upstairs. He’s checked on her at least once, and even if she’s not sleeping, she’s resting. I chided her gently this morning that sleep deprivation has some serious consequences, though I know that isn’t the full story. After all, the rest of us are coming down with yet another cold. I don’t think Z or myself have actually had a break from having a cold since last year. But it is what it is, so. Hopefully she’ll feel better tomorrow after getting two extra-long sleeps.

Right, back to knitting.


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