Something Different

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Z had spotted a jar of black bean sauce and decided to try and make us a nice stir-fry with it. It was alright, I guess. Which is to say, I inhaled it while trying to decide if I liked it or not. If he made it again, I would eat it. Is it better than a takeaway? Probably not, though certainly better than a takeaway at that particular price point would be, ha ha.

Today has been… eh, generic. I attempted to stay sane and do work, and probably only managed to half-ass both of those things. I did get the girls’ nails painted as they wanted, and even organised a little craft project for them. Smalls has been super-helpful in helping me tend to her sister, for which I have made sure to express gratitude on several times. We don’t ask a lot of her, though we’re trying to get her to understand that she needs to step up her game and remember that the older she gets, the more responsibilities she should be taking on. I don’t expect her to be like me at her age, covering for an entire household (true story), but a bit of picking up of things would go a long way.

Z acquired his birthday-Christmas present yesterday; he got himself a VR headset. He had a successful spin with it last night, and is currently showing the girls how they can play games with him while he’s on the headset. I didn’t know that was a thing, so I’m quite pleased that they can all be involved, as is often the way. I like watching them play from my back corner, so it’s win-win all around.

For now, I need to triple check my math before getting stuck into knitting again. I have to decrease for the sleeve and the neckline at the same time, and while I have it down to the correct number on my sheet, it doesn’t feel right. I’m probably overthinking it though. I do that. But like, if I get it right, then I won’t have to pick back as much, etc etc etc.

Right, should probably wrap this up.


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