A Vast Improvement

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My new shelving unit came in just as Z did, so he helped me cobble it together. It was sort of amazing how quickly getting stuff off of my desk and stowed went once I had the space to do so. There’s probably a bit more shifting around of stuff that I can do, but this will more than do for now. Like I said to Z — I’m a bit more space conscious since moving here because hey, less space in general to work with.

Today ended up being a good day, in spite of an inauspicious start. The girls started the day sitting next to each other all but screaming at each other instead of talking in normal volumes. I had to double check with Z to make sure it wasn’t just me, ’cause I didn’t want to be an ass about it, but it really was stressful. He confirmed he had found them loud as well, and eventually enough nagging helped get them to bring their volume down to something acceptable. Otherwise, they were well behaved and mainly self-contained, which is all I can really ask for. 🙂

Right, guess I’m going to go think about knitting.


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