Ticking Along

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Today came with a wintry near surprise — there was like, two flakes of snow. I tried to get a picture, but it was too dark for my phone to catch anything. It’s supposed to precipitate more overnight, but whether it’s snow or whether it’s rain… well, that’s up to the weather deities to sort out. 🙂

Today’s picture comes via Z having a clever idea. At his parent’s house, the girls have a reusable advent calendar in the form of cute little beach huts. As we are a bit behind the curve with Christmas prep, there wasn’t any bog standard ones in store… so he figured it would be neat to get them something a bit more reusable and spiffy. Z has hung them on the cupboard doors in the hall, and they look good there. So yanno, yay for levelling up part of our Christmas experience.

The little one is slowly getting over her cold. She was a lot brighter today, but we are keeping her in tomorrow as well, just to give her a bit more time to rest up. I just did my part of the bedtime routine, and she cheerfully told me to go away so she could sleep. What can I say, I’m charmed. I love it when my kids speak out for themselves, because learning how to self-advocate is such an important skill. Plus yanno, super-cute cheeky grin of confidence.

Mmm. I should probably fish out my knitting, though there’s every chance I’ll keep cheerfully neglecting it for games instead. I made some good progress last night at knitting (which was a lovely evening), but I’ve been so busy today between kid care and work-work that I’ve not even fished it out yet. At least it’s almost the weekend?


2 thoughts on “Ticking Along

  1. pyctsi

    I’ve been working on knitting every night because some daft sod (me) decided to knit extra presents at the almost last minute.

    I need a day of good sun to get a few pictures of stuff before I send them off, but got most of what I wanted done done.

    I blame you for getting me back into knitting.


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