One of the projects Z has wanted to tackle for ages has been our pantry. Today was the day that he managed it, and he did a great job clearing out stuff. Winners included a can of tonic water from before we moved into this house, and a box of Stove Top that predated that. Whups. But it’s out of the cupboard and into the bin, and now we have a better idea of what we have, and what sort of things we have.
I am so effin’ close to finishing this blanket. By my calculations, I have about… 10 rows left? And since each row gets smaller and smaller, I can say with some degree of confidence that I should be able to finish it off tonight. And then, then — I can start gauging for Seanan’s cat hat. I will still need to sew in a million ends on the blanket, but it’s easier on my head to manage that if I have knitting to do alongside it. At least, I am going to tell myself that, ha ha.
The girls are back to school tomorrow, which means my day will be rudely bisected by the school run. The weather is supposed to be cool and clear though, so I will probably enjoy it more than not. It’s better to try to be positive and optimistic about it, I guess. *chuckles*
Right, back to knitting!
i still insist it’s just *very* sparsely fringed. 😀
ngl, am sorely tempted by that. 😀 But I’ll probably suck it up and weave them in; it doesn’t take *that* long.