I Thought There Was More

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Last night was utterly brilliant. Good company, good conversations… and free, good quality wool. A visiting sister of one of our regulars had brought a box of wool to give away, and I made with the grabby hands. I was positive there were more skeins of the wool on the top, but I can’t see any. Maybe she nicked a few of them back. If she did, she did; I was charmed by our visitor’s weird. And in the interim, my brain is gonna keep making me search and re-search the square foot of room where the bag was resting, ha ha. *doinks brain*

West of Loathing launched today, which has left me feeling a bit… well. I don’t know. I won’t be purchasing it anytime soon, though I’m sure I will at some point down the road. I’m still upset that my dearest member on staff was forced out; it made me not want to support anything by the Asymmetric team anymore. And then, of course, it made me think about how much I miss Skully and hanging out with him at meets, and all the platonic goodness that we shared. Seeing him and Jezerfly would rock. Actually getting to introduce our respective children to each other would be amazing. I’ve joked that Smalls has to marry their oldest, who has a year of age on her. I know there is a good chance that we’ll either never actually get to see each other again, or it will be once the children are grown up. Who knows. At least we had those good years of  meets and community and the family it all was for those years, even if we’ve all drifted.

And, if I’m honest, I continue to feel adrift online. I miss having a community to call home… but nothing else has called like that game, or the fandom-that-shall-not-be-named. Even with good local friends, I guess it’s just one of those things that has carried me through bad times and good. Maybe someday again something will fill that gap, but until then… *shrugs*

But really, I’m fine on the whole. I’m just sort of cheerfully vegged out right now, enjoying the (likely momentary) silence that rules downstairs while Z reads the girls a bedtime story. I’ve done a bit on my knitting and hope to get a bit more done. If I zone out in games instead, it’s just as good. It’s all about some semblance of relaxing, right? 🙂


2 thoughts on “I Thought There Was More

  1. Marie Pendle

    It’s worth pointing out that whilst I am still friends with your “dearest member of staff”, there are always two sides to every story and ANY relationship can become toxic through time for both parties. I honestly think that both sides are happier than they used to be and the perception of how it went down really alters from differing people that directly observed (since I’m in contact with all of them). Bad communication definitely happened, because Jick was definitely under the impression that he’d given Skully plenty of notice that they needed to part company and of course, Skully was blindsided when it actually happened. It can’t have helped that Skully had moved to Minnesota – so far from the office. Of course, you’re well within your rights to ‘take sides’, but one side within that drama chose to not go public with their story. I totally support Skully’s feels in this – it was very upsetting and I understand the bitter of things continuing without him. But, I have had an immense sad about a number of people being very judgmental without necessarily knowing more than the one side.

    1. Raeyn Post author

      We actually talked about this last time I saw you! 🙂 Yes, there are two sides of any story, but based on my experiences with both of them, I was always going to err on trusting Josh over Zack. And I agree — I think all parties are happier for what happened, and I’m glad for that. I wish nobody ill in this equation.


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