It Burrrrrns

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Yarn mail!

I don’t know if it’s the pollen or the air pressure or both, but I have a brutal sinus headache. It’s not a congested thing, but rather, more of a ‘everything in my head is in pain and on fire’ sort of thing, to include my eyes.  It’s not pleasant. R thinks it might get better if/when the thunderstorm we’re supposed to have breaks… we’ll see. I certainly hope for a good storm though; it’s something both R and I miss from growing up across the pond.

Smallhausen’s report card for the year came in today. Her teachers were happy with her progress, were happy with her as a student, and every effort tick went into the ‘tries very hard’ box. That’s all I can and would ask of her — that she tries to get the most out of her education. She’s not one of those children exceeding all the marks, and I doubt she will be in the near future. She has made some amazing strides this year in regards to coping with her latent perfectionism, but it’s still a hard beast to tame. I’m constantly impressed with how well she is doing in that regard; I didn’t get it under control until I was in my 30s. She’s a great person, and I’m glad that she’s a part of my life.

Beyond that, just need to get my stuff ready for knitting. The socks continue apace, and the wool shown in the picture is… yup, more sock wool. I am thinking of making myself stop socks and knock out a few of the kits building up, especially since the newest came in today (another shawl!). I sort of want to down tools and dive into the newest shawl for some reason, ha ha. I guess even if I don’t wear them, I find them fun to make.




4 thoughts on “It Burrrrrns

  1. pyctsi

    I’ve knitted 4 fairly simple rectangular shawls and have a 5th on the needles, got 3 more to make after it. 3 of them are gonna be Chrimbo prezzies for this year (hopefully delivered in a more timely fashion than last years), one went to my girlfriend, one to her mum, I’ll keep one and have a spare which is currently unassigned, the last one is a pretty silvery grey with a silver strand through it which is for my sister if they ever decide to set a date (should go with any colour scheme).

    Once they are all done I’m gonna have to do some actual learning and see what I can do, although I’ve got a different wool which might make a good shawl too…

    Also how much wool is too much? >.>

  2. Raeyn Post author

    Too much only exists in the mind of the non-knitter who occupies the same residence. <__< ((and they're wrong >__>))



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