As you can see, the sock is now moving in the right direction after I effed it up last night. At least that’s one thing going in my favour right now. Not going in our favour as of this second is trying again to get Littlerbit sleep trained. We had a specialist in this morning (gratis on the NHS, love the NHS!) to touch base on what we can do to make this work. She’s booked in to visit again in January to see where we are, and so that helps put our chestnuts to that fire. Having said that, we can stop to note Z’s parting shot to her — that the last time we tried sleep training, our neighbour reported us to the doctor/council as abusive. I’m fairly convinced that I heard a little passive aggressive knock on the shared wall when we were upstairs, though I’m hoping that I imagined that. Really though, this needs to get done and dusted, so everyone wish Z and Smallhausen lots of luck in it. I specify them two especially because my sleep is the least impacted. As a regular sleep schedule with no interruptions is the #1 non-medical thing I can do to keep my bipolar in check, Z is divine and generous in making sure I get as close to that as possible.
Ah well. At least, outside of the headache persisting, I’ve mainly felt human today.
What else, what else. I guess that’s the main thing that I can cover publicly! 🙂 Nothing sinister intended by that, I should add, just that the only other thing I can think to mention has to do with a private Facebook group, and I’d rather not discuss it publicly out of respect for the other members. It’s a good group though, and has been a good place to think about some things.